Friday, 18 October 2013

Intros Day 12

What a strange strange day. Picked the boy up from FCs house where he actually let Daddy put him in the car seat rather than insisting FC did it as on last 2 mornings. Then it was a drive off to another local town - mainly to pay a decent cheque from HMRC into bank. Got some more long-sleeved tops for us all and managed to grab a coffee as well although the boy did test boundaries a bit by jumping on furniture. He then insisted on walking (been in buggy up to stop for coffee) which we allowed but he didn't like holding Daddy's hand. A bit later he decided to start crawling around in a shop as Mummy was purchasing lumber cushion (new car has good support and I am noticing lack in my car). Eventually Daddy had to pick him up as he kept crawling - saying he was walking. Got back to car where Daddy tried to train the boy on shutting caps on sports bottle tops when not drinking from them and set off home - as is becoming usual he fell asleep on way back.

I did wake him up when we got back and he had a bit of lunch before happily playing around the house - not really registering when T dived out to put another cheque in bank that had arrived in post today. We had discussions over climbing on furniture in shoes and jumping on it as well - allowed to bounce on Mummy & daddy but not solo. he also managed to start climbing up shelves at one point - can see we are going to be having numerous discussions about this until he gets it. As advised by brother-in-law we are picking our battles carefully - really concentrating on the ones where there is a chance of harm coming to him for now. So holding one of our hands when on roads or in shops and not jumping around on furniture (already fallen and banged his head once). His FC arrived with most of the rest of his stuff and her other two kids as agreed. They got a tour of the house - partly led by the boy but also by me and played a bit with his stuff before they left for final dinner at Pizza Hut.

We then spent some time sorting out clothes into age sizes - making sure that only the ones that are his size went into the cupboard, drawers & wardrobe. My sister got some of the smaller stuff as her younger son is 10 months younger than the boy. Going to ask around the adopters we know with smaller boys about the even younger stuff. Kept a few important things back but mainly we have enough stuff in storage for the next 2 sizes which my elder nephew has grown out of that we do not want to keep stuff that is too small. We then took ourselves to the pub for a last meal for a while as a couple and spent some time afterwards sat just chatting. 

This has been a strange 12 days - but as DH put it earlier when we were sat talking to my sister & brother-in-law (also adopters) now comes the new reality as of 9am in the morning.

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